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Very nice! I like the graphical style, character handling and overall feel of the game. A few suggestions:
I'm playing on a Mac laptop so using the up arrow key to jump feels a bit awkward. How about having Spacebar as an additional jump key?
The exit is a bit hard to make out graphically. Perhaps make the exit door brighter or have a shaft of light coming out of it when it has been opened.
When I fell from a high platform onto spikes I lost a life and then respawned where I had last been placed by the knockback. I then fell into the spikes again and died. Perhaps keep the last safe spot (last location the player was standing on a platform) cached and then place the player there after they have lost a life.

Thank you for playing and for the helpful feedback! Being able to jump off spikes can actually be used strategically as a speedrunning tactic, so I think I'll leave it in. Other than that, I'll be sure to add these features in the next update!


This is a fun game. The level that comes after the one with 13 coins is really long though. I died before I could finish it. And it's hard to find the coins, so maybe a minimap or arrow that points to the nearest coin or something could help?

(1 edit) (+1)

That's the final level — too hard or a good challenge?


Hmm. I think it's too hard as the game currently is, but if something was added that made it easier to find the next coin, it would probably become a good challenge.

Best recorded time to complete the full dungeon so far is 2:35.